The Forest Law no 29763 establishes a legal framework to regulate, promote and supervise activities related to forests and wildlife in Peru.
The Forest Law aims to promote the conservation, the protection, the increase and the sustainable use of forests and wildlife within the national territory. It states that forest management must be in line with the maintenance and enhancement of ecosystem services, and in harmony with the environmental, economic and social interests of Peru. The law aims to boost the development of forest, to enhance its competitivity, to increase forest and wildlife resources and its value for society.
Art 12. creates the National System for Forest and Wildlife Management (Sistema Nacional de GestiĆ³n Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre - SINAFOR).
Art 13. creates the National Forest and Wildlife Department (Servicio Nacional Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre - SERFOR) which is the governing body for SINAFOR. SERFOR's main role is to plan, to supervise, to execute, to support and to control the national forest and wildlife policy. One of its missions is also to formulate, propose, execute and to evaluate strategies, plans and programs for the sustainable management of forest and wildlife resources.