The Comprehensive Plan of Implementing the Russian Federation’s Climate Doctrine for the Period until 2020. Some of the actions framed in the plan are: enhancing energy efficiency across all sectors; developing and deploying renewable and alternative energy sources; market-based, financial and fiscal policies to support climate change mitigation; protecting and enhancing the capacity of carbon sinks, including sustainable forestry, forestation, and re-forestation.
The energy targets presented in the Doctrine are: to reduce the share of energy generated from natural gas to 46% or 47% by 2030 (from more than 50% currently); doubling the capacity of nuclear power plants; increase the share of electricity produced from renewables to 1.5% by 2010, 2.5% by 2015 and 4.5% by 2020; and limit the burning of gas produced from oil wells. RE target of 1.5% by 2010, 2.5% by 2015 and 4.5% by 2020 was superseded in 2014 by the State Program on Energy efficiency and Energy Development. Followed by the Comprehensive Plan for Implementation of the Climate Doctrine to 2020.