The standards are projected to result in an average industry fleetwide level of 163 grams/mile of carbon dioxide (CO2) in model year 2025, which is equivalent to 54.5 miles per gallon (mpg) if achieved exclusively through fuel economy improvements
- 54.5 mpg (is 23.2 km/l) by 2025
Divided by passenger cars and light trucks the CAFE standard for the period 2017-2025
- 143 gCO2/mile for passenger cars (=62.1 mi/gallon / 26.4 km/l)
- 203 gCO2/mile for light-duty vehicles (=43.8 mi/gallon / 18.6 km/l)

Impact indicators:
  • 1
    Name: GHG emissions reduction (%)
    Value: 40
    Base year: 1990
    Target year: 2030
    Comments: 75% by 2050, reduction in national energy use, share of renewables in the total energy mix, 40% share in electricity production
  • 2
    Name: Energy efficiency improvement target (%)
    Value: 50
    Base year: 2015
    Target year: 2050
    Comments: -