"In order to minimize the environmental effect, the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development (MOHURD) has set a goal that 30% of all new constructed buildings will be green by 2020." (http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:735240/FULLTEXT01.pdf)
"As of 2006, there were a total of 21,410 Chinese national GB standards, among which approximately 15% were mandatory, and 85% voluntary." (http://www.standardsportal.org/usa_en/prc_standards_system/standards_used_in_china.aspx#national)
"This standard, nicknamed as ‘three star standard’, is the first national standard on green
building and became effective on 1 June 2006. It considers all the stages of one building’s life cycle and covers both residential and public buildings (including office buildings, mall buildings and hotel buildings). The aim is to reduce total resource, water, energy and land use for one building." "As for the rating system, the three-star standard does not use scoring methods, but focuses on the number of options to achieve and satisfy." Options are mandatory, regulatory and premium.
"Moreover, because of energy shortages and dependence on fossil fuels (especially coal) in China, the Chinese standards have rigid requirements for energy saving and energy structure optimization (increasing the use of renewable/cleaner energy) for building sectors, but without consideration of reducing total CO2 emissions, whereas other foreign standards pay more attention to reducing total CO2 emissions and set up a specific indicator for controlling CO2 emission. " There are currently no climate change related indicators linked to building standards. (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/254458145_An_Overview_of_Chinese_Green_Building_Standards)
- 1Name: Energy intensity per GDP improvement target (%)Value: 40Base year: 2015Target year: 2025Comments: -