"The Road Map sets out the Commission's long-term strategy for renewable energy in the European Union (EU). The aim of this strategy is to enable the EU to meet the twin objectives of increasing security of energy supply and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
An assessment of the share of renewable energy in the energy mix and the progress made in the last 10 years shows that more and better use could be made of renewables.
In the Road Map, the Commission proposes setting a mandatory target of 20% for renewable energy's share of energy consumption in the EU by 2020 and a mandatory minimum target of 10% for biofuels. It also proposes creating a new legislative framework to enhance the promotion and use of renewable energy." (Source: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=URISERV:l27065)
- 1Name: Vehicle emissions standards (gCO2/km)Value: 30Base year: -Target year: 2030Comments: -