"According to the Plan, the average net coal consumption rate of newly built coal-fired generating units nationwide will be less than 300g of standard coal per kilowatt hour ("g/kwh"); by 2020, the average net coal consumption rate of coal-fired generating units in services upon the upgrading will have been less than 310g/kwh, of which the average net coal consumption rate of units in services at 0.6 million kilowatts or above (except for air cooling units) will have been less than 300g/kwh. Subject to the implementation of more stringent energy efficient and environmental protection standards, efforts will be made to cut the share of coal in primary energy consumption to be within 62% and meanwhile increase the share of coal used for power generation in coal consumption to 60% or above." (https://hk.lexiscn.com/latest_message.php?id=164721)
"In an earlier action plan released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, China aimed to cut coal consumption by over 80 million tonnes by 2017 and more than 160 million tonnes by 2020." (http://en.sxcoal.com/117736/NewsShow.html)
"As for expediting transformation and upgrading of existing units, the Action Plan proposes to phase out outmoded capacity deeply and strive to more than 10 million kW of outmoded power units before 2020. Implement comprehensive energy conservation transformation and strive to complete transformation of 150 million kW of unit capacity before 2015 and 350 million kW during "the 13th Five-Year Plan". (http://www.cecep.cn/g3621/s12528/t37687.aspx)

Impact indicators:
  • 1
    Name: Energy efficiency improvement target (%)
    Value: 14.3
    Base year: -
    Target year: 2029
    Comments: -