Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) Regulation No. 25/2013 is an ambitious biofuel program that aims to diversify domestic biodiesel consumption beyond the transportation sector (Indonesia’s main biodiesel consumer).
Regulation 25 amends MEMR Regulation No. 32/2008 and sets a more ambitious target for biofuel use.

Impact indicators:
  • 1
    Name: GHG emissions reduction (%)
    Value: 50
    Base year: -
    Target year: 2030
    Comments: -
  • 2
    Name: GHG emissions reduction (GtCO2eq)
    Value: 0.25
    Base year: 2010
    Target year: 2020
    Comments: Emissions reductions from LULUCF (MtCO2e), Emissions reductions from LULUCF (%)