The Climate Solutions Package includes:
" - a $2 billion Climate Solutions Fund to reduce greenhouse gas emissions across the economy through the existing Emissions Reduction Fund, including giving farmers, small businesses and Indigenous communities the chance to improve the local environment and benefit from new revenue opportunities.
- Continued support for the transition to reliable renewables underway in the National Electricity Market through Snowy 2.0 and funding for the Battery of the Nation Project in Tasmania and Marinus Link. These projects will boost pumped hydrostorage potential and allow more clean energy to be exported to the mainland, while maintaining a reliable energy supply.
- Developing a National Electric Vehicle Strategy to ensure a planned and managed transition to new vehicle technology and infrastructure so all Australians can reap the benefits.
- Helping households and businesses improve energy efficiency and lower energy bills.
- Green and clean local environments by supporting local communities."
(source: Climate Solutions Package)

Impact indicators:
  • 1
    Name: GHG emissions reduction (%)
    Value: 90
    Base year: 1990
    Target year: 2
    Comments: -