"The Directive requires the Member States to introduce legislation and take the necessary measures to ensure that biofuels (liquid or gaseous fuels used for transport and produced from biomass, i.e. biodegradable waste and residue from, for example, agriculture and forestry) account for a minimum proportion of the fuel sold on their territory."
"The Directive sets a minimum percentage of biofuels to replace diesel or petrol for transport purposes in each Member State. It is a question of reducing conventional emissions of CO2 (carbon dioxide), CO (carbon monoxide), NOx (nitrogen oxides), VOC (volatile organic compounds) and other particles which are toxic for health and the environment."
"The Member States must ensure that the minimum share of biofuels sold on their markets is 5.75 %. Any Member State setting lower objectives will have to justify this on the basis of objective criteria." (Source: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=URISERV:l21061)