The existing NEECP sets out the long-term statement of vision for energy efficiency in the Philippines; namely to make energy efficiency and conservation “a way of life” for Filipinos. Further, EECD states its vision as “an energy efficient nation that contributes in achieving the country’s economic development and help ensure energy security, optimal energy pricing and sustainable energy systems.” There is no apparent reason why these statements of vision should no longer be appropriate for a revised Roadmap. NEECP also sets out the aim to reduce the final Energy Demand of the country by 10% annually from 2011 to 2030. Within this period, the government is expected to obtain an energy savings of 69,100 KTOE (3,455 KTOE/year), a deferred capacity of 6,780 MWe (339 MWe/year), and an emission reduction of 178,980 kT (8,949 kT/year).