The Energy Route aims to foster energy efficiency, small distributed renewable energy and to start the process of decarbonising Chile’s energy matrix. The promotion of low-emissions energy, efficient transport, energy development and modernization are also among the seven axis of this energy route. The Energy route is in line with the objectives of the 2050 Energy Strategy.
The Energy Route establishes commitments for further emissions reductions. These commitments include:
- Quadrupling small (i.e less than 300 kW) distributed renewable energy capacity by 2022.
- Establishing a legal framework for energy efficiency in the industry, mining, transport, and buildings sector.
- Implementing a ten-fold increase of current EVs share.
- Regulating solid biofuels (i.e. wood).
- Starting the process of decarbonising the energy matrix
- Establishing a concrete phase-out plan for coal-fired power plants.
- Providing training to 6,000 technicians, operators and professionals on the sustainable use and management of energy.
The Energy Route 2018-2022 also creates the Coordination Committee for Energy Innovation (Comité de Coordinación en Innovación Energética), in charge of identifying and prioritizing the necessary actions to modernize the energy sector. Its main objective is to build an innovation strategy and an action plan for this sector.