Carbon taxation (period 2018-2022): more ambitious objective than set in the law on the energy transition. Value of the carbon component of the tariffs for these taxes is set at 44.60€/tonne of CO2 in 2018 (instead of 39€ initially), 55€ in 2019 (instead of 47.50€) and 65.40€ in 2020 (instead of 56€), to reach 86.20€ in 2022. Convergence of tariff on diesel towards gasoline tariffs by 2021.
Reinforcement of penalty for automobiles: trigger threshold of the malus has been lowered from 127 to 120 grams of CO2/km. A progressive scale ranging from 50 euros for least emitting vehicles to 10,500 euros for those emitting 185g of CO2/km or more.
Premium for EV purchase: €388 million budget (aid for acquisition €266 million + aid for withdrawal of more polluting vehicles €122 million).
Electric bicycles purchase subsidy: budget of €5 million.
Energy transition tax credit for renewable energy: extended for the year 2018.