Copenhagen Pledge: 30% below Business As Usual (BAU) by 2020 subject to the availability of financial resources and technology transfer, as well as 50% GHG emissions reduction by 2050 compared to 2000. Strong emphasis on adaptation measures.
This law also creates the Climate Change Fund which helps channel finances towards mitigation and enables trading of emissions reductions certificates.
The National Climate Change Policy, the Special Programme on Climate Change, and the Special Programme on the Use of Renewable Energy are linked to the General Law and ensure its implementation.
"Existing commitments adopted by Mexico under its General Climate Change Law and presented to the UNFCCC are indicative and aspirational, subject to international support from developed countries."
Mexico’s General Law on Climate Change of 2012 was reformed in subsequent years. In 2018, the reform was mainly carried out to establish a mandatory emissions trading system (ETS), and to bring its policy framework into greater consistency with the Paris Agreement. a 2020 a reform eliminated the National Climate Change Institute (INECC) and mandated its tasks to be taken by SEMARNAT. It also eliminated the Climate Change Fund.
In 2014, Art. 3, Art. 17, Art.45, Art. 84 were reformed.
In 2015 Art. 7, Art. 47, Art. 86 and Art. 107 were reformed.
In 2016, Art. 28 and Art. 30 were reformed.
In January 2018, Art. 5, Art. 8, Art. 10, Art. 12 and Art. 91 were reformed.
In September 2018, Art. 2, Art. 3, Art.15, Art. 26, Art.28, Art. 31, Art. 37, Art. 57, Art. 58, Art. 63, Art. 64, Art. 74, Art. 87, Art. 94, Art. 95, and Art. 98 were reformed.
Art. 15 and 74 specifies the tasks of the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change (Instituto Nacional de Ecología y Cambio Climático).
Art. 26 and 98 outline the principles and evaluation to be followed in the elaboration of the National Climate Change Policy.
Art. 28 mandates the elaboration of the National Adaptation Strategy and states that the federal state has the prerogative of designing and managing Mexico's policy and strategy regarding adapatation to climate change, as well as to coordinate and implement the policy tools provided by this law.
Art. 47 and 63 list the taks of the Climate Change Commision. Art. 57 oulines the tasks of the climate change council. Art 58 adds the National Adaptation Strategy and Natinally Determined Contribution to the national climate change planning instruments.
Art. 87 and 94 further especify taks for the SEMARNAT.
In 2020, Art. 8, Art, 16, Art. 32, Art. 50, Art. 81, Art. 82, Art. 83, Art. 86, Art. 92, Art. 107, Art.108. Repeals parts of Art. 3, Art. 7, Art.8, Art. 80, and Art.85 were reformed.