The 2017-2022 Indicative Action Plan aims to the implementation of the Rational and Efficient Energy Use Programme (PROURE). It sets energy efficiency targets for various sectors: buildings, transport, industry, services. Its objective is to define strategic sectoral actions as well as to create institutional, regulatory, economic and educational tools to achieve these targets. It was adopted by the Resolution no 4 1286.
Spanish: El objetivo del Plan de Acción Indicativo PAI 2017 - 2022 es de desarrollar el Programa de Uso Racional y Eficiente de la Energía (PROURE). Define las acciones estratégicas y sectoriales que permitan alcanzar las metas en materia de eficiencia energética; de manera que se contribuya a la seguridad energética y al cumplimiento de compromisos internacionales en temas ambientales; generando impactos positivos en la competitividad del país y en el incremento de la calidad de vida de los colombianos.
Este plan fue adoptado en la Resolución no 4 1286.

Impact indicators:
  • 1
    Name: GHG emissions reduction (%)
    Value: 47
    Base year: 2010
    Target year: 2030
    Comments: conditional target
  • 2
    Name: GHG emissions reduction (%)
    Value: 33
    Base year: -
    Target year: 2030
    Comments: conditional target based on business as usual in 2030
  • 3
    Name: GHG emissions reduction (%)
    Value: 45.4
    Base year: -
    Target year: 2030
    Comments: excluding LULUCF
  • 4
    Name: GHG emissions reduction (%)
    Value: 15
    Base year: 2010
    Target year: 2030
    Comments: {{{Comments}}}
  • 5
    Name: GHG emissions reduction (%)
    Value: 44
    Base year: -
    Target year: 2030
    Comments: reduction in comparison to business as usual of 2030; translates to 25% reduction as compared to 2012 emission