The National Strategy for Energy Research (Strategie nationale de recherche energetique) is intended as a strategy framework to direct research and development on substitutes for and recycling of the vital minerals required for the energy transition.
The National Research Strategy, first formed in 2007 and amended in 2016, served as the framework under which the strategy was developed. The National Strategy for Energy Research's original goal is to promote research on prominent energy issues with significant economic and social repercussions. In accordance with the 2015 Loi relative a la transition "target the central themes and transformative dynamics of the energy transition" and identifies their global scarcity, the supply chain's organization, as well as recycling potentials, as significant research goals. Through targeted calls for proposals and by taking into account the multidisciplinary nature of ideas in eligibility and funding selection criteria, the Strategy specifically seeks to promote cross-cutting research. Comparative research on the resilience of energy systems and ways to improve it is another goal of the strategy.