Andorra’s NDC does not set a stronger commitment by 2030 but proposes a net-zero emissions by 2050. This NDC brings back the previous commitment to reduce GHG emissions by 37% by 2030 relative to the BAU scenario project considering 2005 emissions for the energy sector and 2000 for the AFOLU (530,55 Gg CO2e). The goal is to reach 193,73 GgCO2e. The implementation period is set to be between 2021 and 2030 and covers all GHG and F-gases.

In the electricity sector, Andorra aims to increase national production of energy to 33% (50% by 2050), being more than 75% (85% by 2050) from renewable sources. In the transport sector the country aims to reduce 50% GHG emissions, setting a binding legislation to promote electric motorized mobility or from a source low in GHG emissions. Lastly, in the building sector, the country suggests regulations enforcing that new buildings have neutral energy consumption.  

Andorra has created a national voluntary market to help the reduction of GHG.