Bangladesh aims to unconditionally reduce its emissions by 5% compared to its BAU scenario by 2030. This is equivalent to a 12MtCO2e reduction. Conditional on international aid, a further reduction of up to 15% of the BAU is proposed (36MtCO2). The NDC covers power, transport and industry (which in the NDC covers also the building sector).

In the power sector, the Government has a financing scheme to finance alternative energy generation projects, like small scale solar and micro grids. In the transport sector the government supports switch to lower-emitting modes of transport, implementation of Mass Rapid Transit and Bus Rapid Transit and modern rail networks. Bangladesh sets an unconditional reduction to this sector of 9% below BAU.

In the industry and building sector, Bangladesh aims to achieve a reduction in primary energy consumption per GDP by adopting mitigation through building codes, standards and energy efficiency certifications (e.g. LEED).

Bangladesh has targets to increase renewable energy generation (10%) and lower energy intensity consumption. Also, some CDM projects involve the reduction of natural gas leakage from transmission lines. Lastly, in the AFOLU sector, Bangladesh plans to monitor the coverage of forest embedded in the REDD+ project.

(Bangladesh NDC, 2020)