Brunei submitted its NDC using 2015 as reference year (emissions of 11.6MtCO2e) and committing itself to a reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 20% relative to Business-As-Usual levels in 2030.  According to the BAU scenario, in 2030 the emissions would reach 29.5 MtCO2e. 

It is an economy-wide NDC covering all the sectors and major greenhouse gases CO2, CH4 and N2O. Brunei Darussalam aims to achieve the intended GHG emissions reductions under this NDC through domestic actions and financing.

Brunei Darussalam National Climate Change Policy (BNCCP), established strategies for the transition towards a low carbon economy. In the transportation sector, the total share of electric vehicles will be increased to 60% by 2035. For this, incentives will be put in place. In the electricity sector, Brunei plans to increase renewable energy to 30% by 2035 investing in solar energy. Also, reduce by 10% GHG emissions increasing energy efficiency in supply and demand side. In industrial sector, the policy instrument chosen is carbon pricing, which means that a price will be imposed on carbon emissions by 2025 (Brunei NDC, 2020).