The updated Cuba’s NDC presents a plan of action to reduce GHG emissions by 2030 in several sectors. For that, Cuba chose to use a variable reference year according to the action posited, ranging from 2014 (e.g. electricity generation based on Renewables) to 2020 (decrease of GHG in swine industry).
Some tasks are underscored, such as the urban planning, reforestation, increase the perception of population and mitigation/adaptation in core sectors.
The Specific Objective 11 and 15 are both related with mitigation practices, the former focusing on to increase energy efficiency and the development of renewable energy sources and the latter to Implement economic incentives (taxes, tariffs, credits and others) to achieve financial sustainability in the use and preservation of natural and environmental resources (Cuba NDC, 2020).
The plan encompasses all sectors (general) and touches upon all the mitigation areas analysed. A Climate Finance strategy, energy efficiency, urban planning and direct investments are measures that overarch all sectors aiming a reduction of carbon emissions. In the electricity sector, specifically, the focus is on augmenting the share of renewables and in the building in set standards, relying on solar panels both in residential and industrial areas. The novelty in this document when compared with the 2016 NDC is the inclusion of contributions on transportation, inciting a switch to less intensive or electric cars and forestry (Cuba NDC, 2020).
Cuba aims to increase 24% the energy generation with renewables by 2030 supported by direct investments from the government. Also, Cuba posits to increase energy efficiency, diminishing the use of fossil fuel in buildings and transportation by installation of solar heaters, LED lamps, induction cookers and fuel switch to a less intensive and e-mobile.
In the agriculture and forestry sector, the country posits reforestation as the main action. The commitment is to have 33% of the country covered with forest by 2030.