The NDC covers only carbon dioxide emissions and the pledges are conditional. 

PNG identified that the Energy sector and LULUCF were the main culprits to the upward trend since 2000. The updated NDC focuses on these two sectors. In 2015, the LULUCF sector was responsible for 1,716 GgCO2e and is expected in the BAU scenario to reach 28,784 Gg CO2e in 2030. PNG establishes a target of -8,282 GgCO2eq by 2030 relying on a sheer fall of deforestation. In the industry sector, PNG sets a target to be carbon neutral by 2030. In the electricity sector, PNG plans to increase the share of renewable energy to 78% by 2030. Also, regulations, as codes and standards, and public awareness will help decrease energy consumption in the future and economic incentives to reduce fossil fuel emissions. In the transport sector, PNG wants to encourage fuel-efficient transport, replacing fossil fuels to biofuels and hybrid and electric vehicles.