Aims to reduce methane emissions from the oil and gas sector by 40 to 45 percent from 2012 levels by 2025.
These outcome-focused regulations apply to upstream oil and gas facilities, which are responsible for extraction, production, processing and transportation of crude oil and natural gas. The requirements target two key methane sources: fugitive emissions, which are unintentional leaks from equipment leaks, and venting emissions, which are intentional releases of methane into the air.
General requirements apply to all covered upstream oil and gas facilities:
Compressors: As of January 1, 2020, covered compressors will be required to take action to conserve or destroy methane, or else to meet applicable vent limits. If a company opts not to conserve or destroy methane, it must demonstrate compliance with the limits via an annual measurement or continuous monitoring. Corrective action is required if those emissions exceed the limit applicable to the compressor, which depends on the installation date, the type of compressor, and its rated brake power.
Well completions involving hydraulic fracturing: As of January 1, 2020, these sites must conserve or destroy gas in most circumstances instead of venting it into the air.
Conditional requirements apply to covered upstream oil and gas facilities handling significant volumes (at least 60,000 cubic metres/year of gas):
Fugitive equipment leaks: As of January 1, 2020, upstream oil and gas facilities are required to start implementation of leak detection and repair program consisting of three comprehensive inspections per year at most upstream oil and gas facilities. Corrective action is required if leaks are discovered.
Facility production venting: As of January 1, 2023, upstream oil and gas facilities must limit annual facility vented volumes of methane to 15,000 m3. These facilities would need to capture the gas and either use it onsite, re-inject it underground, send it to a sales pipeline, or route it to a destruction device. This requirement does not apply to vented gas from:
-specific temporary activities such as emergencies, liquids unloading, or equipment start-ups, shutdowns, and blowdowns;
-facilities that have vented less than 40,000 m3 in the past year without destroying or selling or re-injecting any gas; and
-processing equipment such as glycol dehydrators, compressors and pneumatic devices.
Pneumatic devices:
-Controllers: As of January 1, 2023, facilities using natural-gas-powered pneumatic controllers must ensure that on-going emissions remain below 0.17m³ per hour.
-Pumps: As of January 1, 2023, pneumatic pumps are prohibited from emitting methane where the volume of liquid being pumped exceeds 20 litres per day.

Impact indicators:
  • 1
    Name: Vehicle emissions standards (gCO2/km)
    Value: 15
    Base year: 2021
    Target year: 2025
    Comments: -