Territorial Actions for Environment and Energy Efficiency (Actions Territoriales pour l'Environnement et l'Efficacité Energétique) (ATEnEE) France (2002) |
France |
2002 |
Voluntary Agreements with Industry to Reduce GHG Emissions and Conserve Energy France (2002) |
France |
2002 |
Action Concerning Government Buildings France (2001) |
France |
2001 |
Campaign SOS Climat France (2001) |
France |
2001 |
Creation of a National Observatory on the Effects of Global Warming France (2001) |
France |
2001 |
Energy Efficiency Requirements for Fluorescent Lighting Ballasts France (2001) |
France |
2001 |
Energy Week France (2001) |
France |
2001 |
Exceptional 12 Months Amortisation France (2001) |
France |
2001 |
Expansion of EOLE Programme France (2001) |
France |
2001 |
Extension of Tax Credit for the Purchase of Natural Gas Vehicles France (2001) |
France |
2001 |
Government Crediting and Loan Guarantee for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Investment - FOGIME France (2001) |
France |
2001 |
Measures Favouring Cogeneration France (2001) |
France |
2001 |
National Public Information Campaign France (2001) |
France |
2001 |
New Planning Contract France (2001) |
France |
2001 |
Renewable Energy Feed-in Tariffs (I) France (2001) |
France |
2001 |
Tax Credit for the Acquisition of Thermal Insulation and Heating Regulation Material France (2001) |
France |
2001 |
Thermal Regulation France (2000) |
France |
2000 |
Decrees to Increase Energy Efficiency of Boilers France (2000) |
France |
2000 |
Electricity Law France (2000) |
France |
2000 |
Energy Efficiency Program France (2000) |
France |
2000 |