Policies (6273)
Last update: 04/04/2024
Policy name Sector Policy type Country Decision date
Creation of ADEME France (1991) France 1991
FACE (Fonds damortissement des charges délectrification) Programme France (1995) France 1995
Tax Credit for Sustainable Development (Le Crédit d’impôt Développement Durable)(CIDD) France (1996) France 1996
Wind Energy Programme France (1996) France 1996
Multilateral Development of Gen IV Nuclear Power Plants France (1999) France 1999
Funding for Energy Audits - Fonds Regionaux aux Conseils (FRAC) France (1999) France 1999
Rules on Construction of New Buildings France (1999) France 1999
Solar-Powered Water Heaters - Helios 2006 France (1999) France 1999
Promotion of Electric and Natural-Gas Powered Vehicles France (1999) France 1999
Planned Carbon Tax France (1999) France 1999
Biogas Program France (1999) France 1999
Biogas Agreement France (1999) France 1999
Renewable energy market development (support for demonstration and diffusion) France (1999) France 1999
Norms for Energy-Consuming Appliances and Equipment France (1999) France 1999
Reduction in Price Gap Between Diesel and Gasoline France (1999) France 1999
12-month Amortisation Law Extension France (1999) France 1999
Reduced VAT for Residential Renewable Energy Equipment France (1999) France 1999
District Heating Classification France (1999) France 1999
Reduced Electricity Consumption in Government Buildings France (1999) France 1999
Normalised Estimation of Energy Fees France (1999) France 1999