Policies (6273)
Last update: 04/04/2024
Policy name Sector Policy type Country Decision date
Assessment and Review of the Climate Change Policy Program (Interim Report) Japan (2004) Japan 2004
Follow-up on the Keidanren Voluntary Action Plan on the Environment Japan (2004) Japan 2004
Free Energy Audit for Large Sized Companies Japan (2004) Japan 2004
Fuel Efficiency labelling System Japan (2004) Japan 2004
Interim Report by the Energy Supply and Demand Subcommittee, Advisory Committee for Natural Resources and Energy Japan (2004) Japan 2004
Interim Report by the Energy efficiency and Conservation Subcommittee, Advisory Committee for Natural Resources and Energy Japan (2004) Japan 2004
Interim Report by the Joint Committee of the Industrial Structure Council and Advisory Committee for Natural Resources and Energy Japan (2004) Japan 2004
Interim Report on Future Measures for Global Warming by the Global Environmental Subcommittee, Environmental Committee, Industrial Structure Council Japan (2004) Japan 2004
Methane to Markets Partnership Japan (2004) Japan 2004
Carbon Fund Japan (2004) Japan 2004
Publication of the White Paper on Energy Japan (2004) Japan 2004
Expansion of Top Runner Programme Japan (2003) Japan 2003
Green Power: Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) Japan (2003) Japan 2003
Coordinating Committee for Use of the Kyoto mechanisms Japan (2002) Japan 2002
Energy Tax on Fossil Fuels Japan (2002) Japan 2002
Financial measures for houses (subsidy, tax, preferential loan) Japan (2002) Japan 2002
Fundamental Law on Energy Policy (Basic Act on Energy Policy) (Law No. 71/02) Japan (2002) Japan 2002
Law for the Promotion of Nature Restoration Japan (2002) Japan 2002
Outline for Promotion of Efforts to Prevent Global Warming Japan (2002) Japan 2002
Planned Voluntary Emissions Trading Scheme Japan (2002) Japan 2002