Cédula de Produtores Rural Verde (Decree 10,828/2021) Brazil (2021) |
Brazil |
2021 |
Brazilian Agricultural Policy for Climate Adaptation and Low Carbon Emission (ABC+ Plan) Brazil (2010) |
Brazil |
2020 |
National Energy Plan 2050 Brazil (2020) |
Brazil |
2020 |
Changes in the biodiesel blending mandate Brazil (2020) |
Brazil |
2020 |
Nationally Determined Contribution - NDC Brazil (2020) |
Brazil |
2020 |
Decree no. 10.387 to provide incentives for financing infrastructure projects with environmental and social benefits Brazil (2020) |
Brazil |
2020 |
CNPE Resolution 15/2020 on Micro and small-scale distributed generation Brazil (2020) |
Brazil |
2020 |
BNDES 2020/2021 Neoenergia Electricity Distributors Energy Investment Plan Brazil (2020) |
Brazil |
2020 |
Resolution No 806 of 2020 from ANP Brazil (2020) |
Brazil |
2020 |
Inovagro Programme Brazil (2019) |
Brazil |
2019 |
Decree No. 9.082 establishing the Brazilian Forum on Climate Change, and Decree No. 9759 - dissolving the Forum Brazil (2019) |
Brazil |
2019 |
Sectorial Health Plan for the Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change Brazil (2019) |
Brazil |
2019 |
Decree no 10.142 instituting the Executive Committee for the Control of Illegal Deforestation and the Recovery of Native Vegetation Brazil (2019) |
Brazil |
2019 |
Decree establishing the Inter-ministerial Committee on Climate Change (CIM) Brazil (2019) |
Brazil |
2019 |
Decree no 10.144 instituting the National Commission for the Reduction of GHG Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation Brazil (2019)
Brazil |
2019 |
10-year Plan for Energy Expansion Brazil (PDE - 2019) |
Brazil |
2019 |
Alliance Program for Energy Efficiency Brazil (2019) |
Brazil |
2019 |
Reduction of losses of distribution transformers Brazil (2019) |
Brazil |
2019 |
Efficiency Standards for Refrigerators and Freezers Brazil (2018) |
Brazil |
2018 |
Resolution Nr 5 of June 2018 on Biofuels Brazil (2018) |
Brazil |
2018 |