Policies (6273)
Last update: 04/04/2024
Policy name Sector Policy type Country Decision date
Green Power Germany (1996) Germany 1996
High Efficiency Appliance Certification Programme Republic of Korea (1996) Republic of Korea 1996
Home Energy Saver United States of America (1996) United States of America 1996
Landfill Air Regulations United States of America (1996) United States of America 1996
National Programme for Energy Development of States and Municipalities Brazil (1996) Brazil 1996
Native American Housing Block Grants United States of America (1996) United States of America 1996
PFC Reduction/Climate Partnership for the Semiconductor Industry United States of America (1996) United States of America 1996
Promotion of ESCO Japan (1996) Japan 1996
Renewable Energy Targets Japan (1996) Japan 1996
Residential Energy Conservation Subsidy Exclusion United States of America (1996) United States of America 1996
Resolution 708/96 on Norms and standards for measuring gas concentrations and particulate matter emitted by chimneys Argentina (1996) Argentina 1996
Smart Growth Program United States of America (1996) United States of America 1996
State Energy Program United States of America (1996) United States of America 1996
Tax Credit for Sustainable Development (Le Crédit d’impôt Développement Durable)(CIDD) France (1996) France 1996
The Provisions of the Panchayats (Extension to the Scheduled Areas) Act, India (1996) India 1996
Wind Energy Programme France (1996) France 1996
Agricultural Land Protection Act Bulgaria (1996) Bulgaria 1996
Decree-Law 20/1996 on the Protection System Fund to combat Climatic Changes (SIPAC), amended by Decree-Law 23/2000 Portugal (1996) Portugal 1996
Energy Efficiency Network for Buildings Norway (1996) Norway 1996
Energy Labelling of Larger Buildings Denmark (1996) Denmark 1996