Policies (6273)
Last update: 04/04/2024
Policy name Sector Policy type Country Decision date
NER 300 programme European Union (27) (2012) European Union 2012
Zero Emissions Mobility to All Project (ZEM2ALL) Spain (2011) Spain 2011
Flemish Government Living Lab Electric Vehicles Programme Belgium (2011) Belgium 2011
Carbon Farming Futures Australia (2011) Australia 2011
Urban Transport Development Strategy and Partnership Demonstration Projects (CUTPP) China (2011) China 2011
Green innovation funding: the French programme of Investments for the future France (2010) France 2010
Guidelines for Sustainable Forest Management China (2010) China 2010
National Solar Mission (Phase I and II) India (2010) India 2010
National CCS master action plan Republic of Korea (2010) Republic of Korea 2010
Funding Programme for Electromobility Pilot Regions Germany (2009) Germany 2009
Energy Storage for Transportation and Electric Power (U.S. Energy Storage Competitiveness Act of 2007) United States of America (2009) United States of America 2009
Low Carbon Industrial Strategy (LCIS) United Kingdom (2009) United Kingdom 2009
Low Carbon Transport Strategy United Kingdom (2009) United Kingdom 2009
Clean Energy Initiative Australia (2009) Australia 2009
The Jeju Smart Grid Demonstration Project Republic of Korea (2009) Republic of Korea 2009
National Energy efficiency Initiative - Smart Grid, Smart City Australia (2009) Australia 2009
Renewable Energy Demonstration Program (REDP) Australia (2009) Australia 2009
Innovative Renewable Energy Research Programme Kuwait (2009) Kuwait 2009
Renewable Energy Building and Site Integration Kuwait (2009) Kuwait 2009
Green Precincts Fund Australia (2008) Australia 2008