Policies (6273)
Last update: 04/04/2024
Policy name Sector Policy type Country Decision date
Decision 177/2007/QĐ-TTg Decision on National Program on bio-fuel development up to 2015 with outlook up to 2025 Viet Nam (2007) Viet Nam 2007
Decision No. 1855/QD/TTg: Approving the National Energy Development Strategy of Vietnam for the period up to 2020 with outlook to 2050 Viet Nam (2007) Viet Nam 2007
Fuel Tax Viet Nam (2007) Viet Nam 2007
Act no. 65/2007 on the emission of greenhouse gases Iceland (2007) Iceland 2007
Act. 609/2007 on Excise Tax From Electricity, Coal and Natural Gas Slovakia (2007) Slovakia 2007
Action Plan for Renewable Energy Promotion Mali (2007) Mali 2007
Action Plan on Renewable Energy Switzerland (2007) Switzerland 2007
Forestry Programme Austria (2007) Austria 2007
Biofuels Act (RA 9367) Philippines (2007) Philippines 2007
Building Energy Performance Certificates Sweden (2007) Sweden 2007
Building Renovations (Flanders) Belgium (2007) Belgium 2007
Carbon Fund Act 2007, Number 12 of 2007 Ireland (2007) Ireland 2007
Carbon Neutral Public Service New Zealand (2007) New Zealand 2007
Climate Change Strategy Iceland (2007) Iceland 2007
Climate Protection Strategy Liechtenstein (2007) Liechtenstein 2007
Climate and Energy Fund Act Austria (2007) Austria 2007
Concept of Energy Security (Decree of the President No.433) Belarus (2007) Belarus 2007
Creation of the Temporary Regimen for the Renovation of Automotive Vehicles in order to Promote Change to the Energy Matrix, Executive Decree No 213-2007-EF Peru (2007) Peru 2007
Directive No.3 on Economy and Savings as the Main Factors of the Economic Security of the State Belarus (2007) Belarus 2007
Disaster Risk Reduction and Disaster Management National Action Plan 2006-2016 Vanuatu (2007) Vanuatu 2007