Regulation of the Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate of 13 February 2019, no. WJZ/ 18327581 Netherlands (2019) |
Netherlands |
2019 |
Taxing energy use Italy (2019) |
Italy |
2019 |
Regulation on coal phase-out WJZ/19011202 Netherlands (2019) |
Netherlands |
2019 |
Kigali Amendment on HFCs Poland (2019) |
Poland |
2019 |
Taxing energy use Canada (2019) |
Canada |
2019 |
Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan 2021-2030 Netherlands (2019) |
Netherlands |
2019 |
Nationally Determined Contribution - NDC Democratic People's Republic of Korea (2019) |
Democratic People's Republic of Korea |
2019 |
Commercial Fuel Tax (CFT) United States of America (2019) |
United States of America |
2019 |
Nationally Determined Contribution - NDC Ecuador (2019) |
Ecuador |
2019 |
Law No. 37/ May 2019 Italy (2019) |
Italy |
2019 |
Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan Germany (2019) |
Germany |
2019 |
Carbon Tax South Africa (2019) |
South Africa |
2019 |
Integrated Energy and Climate Plan Finland (2019) |
Finland |
2019 |
National Decarbonisation Plan 2018-2050 Costa Rica (2019) |
Costa Rica |
2019 |
Law 376-IX/2019 on regulation of economic activity with ozone-depleting substances and fluorinated greenhouse gases Ukraine (2019) |
Ukraine |
2019 |
Climate Change Act United Kingdom (2019) |
United Kingdom |
2019 |
Decree 179/2021 approving the National Economic Strategy for the period up to 2030 Ukraine (2019) |
Ukraine |
2019 |
Local Automobile Tax Republic of Korea (2019) |
Republic of Korea |
2019 |
CO2 emission performance standards for new passenger cars and light commercial vehicles United Kingdom (2019) |
United Kingdom |
2019 |
Electricity Consumption Tax Turkey (2019) |
Turkey |
2019 |