Policies (6273)
Last update: 04/04/2024
Policy name Sector Policy type Country Decision date
Nationally Determined Contribution - NDC Indonesia (2021) Indonesia 2021
North Sea Transition Deal United Kingdom (2021) United Kingdom 2021
Industrial Decarbonisation Strategy United Kingdom (2021) United Kingdom 2021
Nationally Determined Contribution - NDC Somalia (2021) Somalia 2021
First National Plan for the Development and Popularisation of Green Ships (2021-2030) Republic of Korea (2020) Republic of Korea 2020
Decree Law n. 34/2020 - Tax deduction for energy efficiency improvements (Superbonus 110) Italy (2020) Italy 2020
National Green Hydrogen Strategy Chile (2020) Chile 2020
New Energy Vehicle Promotion Subsidy Plan China (2020) China 2020
National EV Roadmap Thailand (2020) Thailand 2020
National Intelligent Transportation Systems strategy document and 2020-2023 Action Plan Turkey (2020) Turkey 2020
Resolution CIPE number 7 - Energy income measures Italy (2020) Italy 2020
Bharat Stage (BS) VI Emission Standards India (2020) India 2020
Transit Oriented Development Thailand (2020) Thailand 2020
National Hydrogen Strategy Germany (2020) Germany 2020
Decision 08/2020/QD-TTg On amending and supplementing several articles of the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 24/2014/QD-TTg dated 24 March 2014 on support mechanisms for the development of biomass power projects Viet Nam (2020) Viet Nam 2020
Economic stimulus package Germany (2020) Germany 2020
German coal exit law (Kohleausstiegsgesetz) Germany (2020) Germany 2020
Federal funding for energy efficiency in the industry Germany (2020) Germany 2020
Legislative Decree 73 - Implementation of the directive (EU) 2018/2002 on Energy Efficiency Italy (2020) Italy 2020
Amendment of the Renewable Energy Sources Act "EEG 2021" Germany (2020) Germany 2020