Law on Disaster Prevention Mongolia (2003) |
Mongolia |
2003 |
Advanced Energy Storage Program United States of America (2002) |
United States of America |
2002 |
Climate Strategy Austria (2002) |
Austria |
2002 |
Organic Law of Regional Governments, Law No. 27867 Peru (2002) |
Peru |
2002 |
Electricity Act (Chapter 89A) Singapore (2001) |
Singapore |
2001 |
Energy Market Authority Act (Chapter 92B) Singapore (2001) |
Singapore |
2001 |
Gas Act (Chapter 116A) Singapore (2001) |
Singapore |
2001 |
White Paper on National Climate Policy - National Emissions Trading Scheme Norway (2001) |
Norway |
2001 |
Act, Chapter 77:01 (Act 13 of 1963 last amended by Act 46 of 2013) Trinidad and Tobago (2000) |
Trinidad and Tobago |
2000 |
National Climate Change Strategy Ireland (2000) |
Ireland |
2000 |
National Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Fund Establishment Proclamation Ethiopia (2000) |
Ethiopia |
2000 |
National Strategy to Reduce GHG Emissions Luxembourg (2000) |
Luxembourg |
2000 |
Act on Organization of the Electricity Market Belgium (1999) |
Belgium |
1999 |
Electricity Regulation Act, Number 23 of 1999 Ireland (1999) |
Ireland |
1999 |
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (EPBC Act) Australia (1999) |
Australia |
1999 |
Workforce Investment Act United States of America (1998) |
United States of America |
1998 |
Electricity Act Netherlands (1998) |
Netherlands |
1998 |
Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Act Australia (1998) |
Australia |
1998 |
Act No. 75 on the Civil Defence and Decree-Law No. 170 on the System of measures of Civil Defence (Disaster-management as response to frequent extreme events) Cuba (1997) |
Cuba |
1997 |
Energy Commission Act Ghana (1997) |
Ghana |
1997 |