Warm Loans Program Ukraine (2014) |
Ukraine |
2014 |
MEPS for Air Conditioners Saudi Arabia (2014) |
Saudi Arabia |
2014 |
Green building master plan Republic of Korea (2014) |
Republic of Korea |
2014 |
Law 15/2014 on the Rationalization of the Public Sector (Public Procurement) Spain (2014) |
Spain |
2014 |
Carbon Tax Mexico (2014) |
Mexico |
2014 |
Energy Efficiency in Industrial Thermal Insulation Systems (NOM-009-ENER Mexico (2014) |
Mexico |
2014 |
Compulsory Specification for Energy Efficiency and Labelling of Electrical and Electronic Apparatus South Africa (2014) |
South Africa |
2014 |
National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NREAP) Target Ukraine (2014) |
Ukraine |
2014 |
National Infrastructure Program Mexico (2014) |
Mexico |
2014 |
Emissions Reduction Fund Australia (2014) |
Australia |
2014 |
Retailer Energy Efficiency Scheme Australia (2014) |
Australia |
2014 |
New standards for energy devices Kenya (2014) |
Kenya |
2014 |
Retrofit Plan and Zero-Energy Buildings Standards South Africa (2014) |
South Africa |
2014 |
Decree n. 2-13-874 on Thermal regulation of buildings Morocco (2014) |
Morocco |
2014 |
Energy Efficiency in Lighting Systems in Non-Residential Buildings (NOM-007-ENER Mexico (2014) |
Mexico |
2014 |
Sustainable Energy Action Plan in Somoniyon City Tajikistan (2014) |
Tajikistan |
2014 |
Maximum Electrical Power for Equipment and Appliances that Require Standby Power (NOM-032-ENER-2013) Mexico (2014) |
Mexico |
2014 |
Energy Saving Opportunities Scheme (ESOS) United Kingdom (2014) |
United Kingdom |
2014 |
YourEnergySavings.gov.au Australia (2014) |
Australia |
2014 |
Energy Efficiency Standards on Power Sector and Appliances Tajikistan (2014) |
Tajikistan |
2014 |