Policies (6273)
Last update: 04/04/2024
Policy name Sector Policy type Country Decision date
The Climate Change Trust Fund Act Bangladesh (2009) Bangladesh 2009
The Forest Act No. 945 Denmark (2009) Denmark 2009
The national emission target under the EU Effort Sharing Decision (406/2009/EC) Austria (2009) Austria 2009
The national emission target under the EU Effort Sharing Decision (406/2009/EC) Belgium (2009) Belgium 2009
The national emission target under the EU Effort Sharing Decision (406/2009/EC) Cyprus (2009) Cyprus 2009
The national emission target under the EU Effort Sharing Decision (406/2009/EC) Denmark (2009) Denmark 2009
The national emission target under the EU Effort Sharing Decision (406/2009/EC) Finland (2009) Finland 2009
The national emission target under the EU Effort Sharing Decision (406/2009/EC) Greece (2009) Greece 2009
The national emission target under the EU Effort Sharing Decision (406/2009/EC) Ireland (2009) Ireland 2009
The national emission target under the EU Effort Sharing Decision (406/2009/EC) Luxembourg (2009) Luxembourg 2009
The national emission target under the EU Effort Sharing Decision (406/2009/EC) Netherlands (2009) Netherlands 2009
The national emission target under the EU Effort Sharing Decision (406/2009/EC) Spain (2009) Spain 2009
The national emission target under the EU Effort Sharing Decision (406/2009/EC) Sweden (2009) Sweden 2009
Transnova Demonstration Project Norway (2009) Norway 2009
UNIT 1170: 2009 Specification and Labelling Uruguay (2009) Uruguay 2009
Value Added Tax (VAT) Act No. 58 of 2009 Norway (2009) Norway 2009
Vision 2030 Jamaica (2009) Jamaica 2009
Wind Dispatch Uruguay (2009) Uruguay 2009
Resolution 35/2009 on vehicle fuel emission standards Argentina (2009) Argentina 2009
National Strategy for Disaster Resilience Australia (2009) Australia 2009