Policies (6273)
Last update: 04/04/2024
Policy name Sector Policy type Country Decision date
Renewable and Alternative energy sources and Biofuels Act Bulgaria (2007) Bulgaria 2007
Royal Decree 1027/2007 on the Regulation on Indoor Heating and Air-conditioning Systems (RITE) Spain (2007) Spain 2007
Royal Decree 1028/2007 on Regulating Offshore Wind Power Spain (2007) Spain 2007
Royal Decree 1369/2007 on the Ecodesign Requirements for Energy-Using Products (EuPs) Spain (2007) Spain 2007
Royal Decree 47/2007 on Building Energy Certification Spain (2007) Spain 2007
Royal Decree 661/2007 on the Feed-in tariffs for Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources (Special Regime) Spain (2007) Spain 2007
National Energy Policy Samoa (2007) Samoa 2007
Solar Power Subsidy Uganda (2007) Uganda 2007
Spanish Strategy for Climate Change and Clean Energy and the related Plan of Urgent Measures Spain (2007) Spain 2007
Sustainable Energy Authority Act Sri Lanka (2007) Sri Lanka 2007
Strategy for Greater Use of Renewable Energy Sources Slovakia (2007) Slovakia 2007
Sustainable Land Management and Climate Change Plan of Action New Zealand (2007) New Zealand 2007
The Ecological Code No. 212 of 2007 and Amendment to said legislation on 3 December 2011 Kazakhstan (2007) Kazakhstan 2007
The Renewable Energy Policy Uganda (2007) Uganda 2007
White Paper on National Climate Policy Norway (2007) Norway 2007
Tariff Determination Regulation Bhutan (2007) Bhutan 2007
Law 11.488/2007 creating the Special Incentive Scheme for Infrastructure Development (REIDI) Brazil (2007) Brazil 2007
Energy Conservation Law China (2007) China 2007
Forest Development, Conservation and Utilization Policy and Strategy Ethiopia (2007) Ethiopia 2007
National Biogas Programme Ethiopia (2007) Ethiopia 2007