Renewable Independent Power Producer Programme South Africa (2012) |
South Africa |
2012 |
Regulation on Net-metering for the Producers of Electricity for Own Needs Denmark (2012) |
Denmark |
2012 |
Regulation of the Allocation of Biodiesel Production Volumes for Computing Compliance with Mandatory Biofuel Targets (Order IET/2736/2012, amending Order IET/822/2012) Spain (2012) |
Spain |
2012 |
Feed-In Tariff for Electricity Generated from Biomass, Ocean, Run-of-River Hydropower, Solar and Wind Energy Resources Philippines (2012) |
Philippines |
2012 |
Royal Decree Law 13/2012 Spain (2012) |
Spain |
2012 |
Energy (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2012, Number 3 of 2012 Ireland (2012) |
Ireland |
2012 |
National Rural Electrification Plan 2013-2022 Peru (2012) |
Peru |
2012 |
Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards Act Australia (2012) |
Australia |
2012 |
CCS-EOR project support United Arab Emirates (2012) |
United Arab Emirates |
2012 |
Act No. 165/2012 Coll. on supported energy sources and on amendment to some laws Czech Republic (2012) |
Czechia |
2012 |
Madhya Pradesh Wind Power Project Policy India (2012) |
India |
2012 |
Ordinance on the Vocational Education for “Fitters of Energy Equipment and Installations” Bulgaria (2012) |
Bulgaria |
2012 |
Royal Decree Law 1/2012 on Revocation of Public Financial Support for New Electricity Plants from Renewable Energy Sources, Waste or CHP Spain (2012) |
Spain |
2012 |
Energy Agreement 2012-2020 Denmark (2012) |
Denmark |
2012 |
Local Government Energy efficiency Program (LGEEP) Australia (2012) |
Australia |
2012 |
Energy Conservation Act (Chapter 92C) Singapore (2012) |
Singapore |
2012 |
The National Rural and Renewable Energy Programme (NRREP) Nepal (2012) |
Nepal |
2012 |
Offshore Oil and Gas Authorities Group European Union (27) (2012) |
European Union |
2012 |
Interim Measures on Renewable energy development fund Imposition and Management China (2012) |
China |
2012 |
Interim Measure of Distributed Solar Power Generation On-grid Service Agreement China (2012) |
China |
2012 |