Policies (6273)
Last update: 04/04/2024
Policy name Sector Policy type Country Decision date
FuelEU Maritime Regulation European Union European Union
National Electricity Plan (RUKN) 2023-2060 Indonesia Indonesia
Climate Change Act Draft Thailand Thailand
CO2 Succession Act Switzerland Switzerland
Draft Law On Amendments to Certain Laws on Stimulating the Production of Electricity from Alternative Energy Sources on a Market Basis Ukraine Ukraine
National Electric Mobility Strategy Kenya Kenya
Forest Act India (1927) India 1927
Forest Act Thailand (1941) Thailand 1941
Basic Excise Duty India (1944) India 1944
Atomic Energy Act United States of America (1954) United States of America 1954
Forest Law No. 6831 Turkey (1956) Turkey 1956
Brokopondo Agreement Suriname (1958) Suriname 1958
Road Accident Fund (RAF) Fuel Levy South Africa (1964) South Africa 1964
Water Resources Board Act No. 29 Sri Lanka (1964) Sri Lanka 1964
Forest and Forestry Basic Act (Law No. 161/64) Japan (1964) Japan 1964
Customs and Excise Levy South Africa (1964) South Africa 1964
National Reserved Forest Act Thailand (1964) Thailand 1964
Agricultural Credit Act South Africa (1966) South Africa 1966
Industrial Technologies Program: BestPractices United States of America (1970) United States of America 1970
National Environmental Policy Act United States of America (1970) United States of America 1970