Policies (6273)
Last update: 04/04/2024
Policy name Sector Policy type Country Decision date
Excise Tax based on car engine size China (1994) China 1994
Name of law Decree-Law No. 147 on the Reorganisation of Central State Administrative Organs (creation of Ministry of Sciences, Technology and Environment responsible for Climate Change policy) Cuba (1994) Cuba 1994
On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) systems requirements United States of America (1994) United States of America 1994
Energy Policy Ethiopia (1994) Ethiopia 1994
EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) European Union (27) (1995) European Union 1995
Green Protocol Brazil (1995) Brazil 1995
National Centre for Forest Fire Control Indonesia (1995) Indonesia 1995
National Coordinating Team for Land Fire Indonesia (1995) Indonesia 1995
Law No 21/1995 Kuwait Environment Public Authority. Further amended: Law No 16/1996 Kuwait (1995) Kuwait 1995
National Environment Management Policy (NEMP) Uganda (1995) Uganda 1995
Green Tax Package Denmark (1995) Denmark 1995
National Environmental Policy Mozambique (1995) Mozambique 1995
Mineral Oil Tax and Surtax on Motor Fuels Switzerland (1996) Switzerland 1996
Mobility Agreements (Flanders) Belgium (1996) Belgium 1996
Best Available Techniques Reference Documents (BREFs) - IPCC Directive European Union (27) (1996) European Union 1996
Fourth Energy Research Programmme (4. Energieforschungsprogramm) Germany (1996) Germany 1996
Decree-Law 20/1996 on the Protection System Fund to combat Climatic Changes (SIPAC), amended by Decree-Law 23/2000 Portugal (1996) Portugal 1996
Resolution 708/96 on Norms and standards for measuring gas concentrations and particulate matter emitted by chimneys Argentina (1996) Argentina 1996
Smart Growth Program United States of America (1996) United States of America 1996
Law 4771/1965 on Forest Code Brazil (1996) Brazil 1996