Policies (6273)
Last update: 04/04/2024
Policy name Sector Policy type Country Decision date
Agriculture Climate Resilience Plan Tanzania (2014) Tanzania, United Republic of 2014
Punjab Policy on Net-Metering for Grid Interactive Rooft-top Solar Photovoltaic Power Plants India (2014) India 2014
National Renewable Action Plan (NREAP) Iceland (2014) Iceland 2014
Light-duty vehicles emissions standards Republic of Korea (2014) Republic of Korea 2014
National Renewable Energy Program Mexico (2014) Mexico 2014
National Smart Transportation Systems Strategy Turkey (2014) Turkey 2014
Directive on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure European Union (27) (2014) European Union 2014
Law No. 14/003 on Protection of the Nature Democratic Republic of the Congo (2014) Congo, the Democratic Republic of the 2014
Pakistan 2025: One Nation, One Vision Pakistan (2014) Pakistan 2014
Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 Sweden (2014) Sweden 2014
Aid for Manure Gas 2014-2023 Sweden (2014) Sweden 2014
Law No. 14/011 (Electricity Sector) Democratic Republic of the Congo (2014) Congo, the Democratic Republic of the 2014
National Renewable Energy Action Plan Turkey (2014) Turkey 2014
Sustainable Blueprint Singapore (2014) Singapore 2014
Notice of VAT policy of large-scale hydropower enterprise China (2014) China 2014
MEPS for Air Conditioners Saudi Arabia (2014) Saudi Arabia 2014
Programme for Conversion of Slope Farmlands into Forests China (2014) China 2014
Abu Dhabi - The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Third Edition) United Arab Emirates (2014) United Arab Emirates 2014
Clean Power Plan United States of America (2014) United States of America 2014
National certification and Implementation Supervision Commission, Energy Bureau on strengthening the photovoltaic products testing and certification work China (2014) China 2014