Policies (6273)
Last update: 04/04/2024
Policy name Sector Policy type Country Decision date
Electricity (Renewable Preference) Amendment Act New Zealand (2008) New Zealand 2008
Electricity from Geothermal Energy: Guarantee Scheme or Investment Aid for Prospecting and Exploration Switzerland (2008) Switzerland 2008
Energy Agreement for 2008-2011 Denmark (2008) Denmark 2008
Energy Efficiency Action Plan 2008-2012 Spain (2008) Spain 2008
Energy Saving and Efficiency Plan 2008 - 2011 Spain (2008) Spain 2008
Energy Security Plan Morocco (2008) Morocco 2008
Energy Security Strategy of the Slovak Republic, Resolution of the Government No. 732/2008 Coll. Slovakia (2008) Slovakia 2008
Energy efficiency Act (repeals the Law on Energy efficiency 2004) Bulgaria (2008) Bulgaria 2008
Environmental Protection Act (Revised edition, CAP. 30.25) Tuvalu (2008) Tuvalu 2008
Executive Decree No. 29466, approving the National Programme for Energy efficiency Bolivia (2008) Bolivia, Plurinational State of 2008
Exemption from CO2-Tax (Emission Reduction Agreements) Switzerland (2008) Switzerland 2008
Exemption from CO2-Tax (Emissions Trading Scheme) Switzerland (2008) Switzerland 2008
Governmental Decree No.176 of 2008 on certification of buildings energetic features Hungary (2008) Hungary 2008
Governmental Decree No.2019 of 2008 adopting the National Energy efficiency Action Plan Hungary (2008) Hungary 2008
Governmental Order No.189 on the Committee on Environmental Protection Tajikistan (2008) Tajikistan 2008
Grants for Energy Efficiency in Buildings Spain (2008) Spain 2008
Labels for Appliances, Lighting, and Equipment Ukraine (2008) Ukraine 2008
Law 2008-005 - Framework Law on the Environment Togo (2008) Togo 2008
Law 3661/2008 on Measures to reduce energy consumption in buildings and other provisions Greece (2008) Greece 2008
Law No. 20,257 on Non-Conventional Renewable Energies Chile (2008) Chile 2008