Policies (6273)
Last update: 04/04/2024
Policy name Sector Policy type Country Decision date
CO2 Compensation Duty for Importers of Fossil Motor Fuels Switzerland (2014) Switzerland 2014
Integrated National Energy Strategy Iraq (2014) Iraq 2014
Energy Policy 2014 slovakia Slovakia (2014) Slovakia 2014
Strategic Action Plan for Energy Development China (2014) China 2014
Feed-in tariff for wind and solar PV projects Egypt (2014) Egypt 2014
Electricity Generation Expansion Plan 2014-2035 (Plan de Expansion de la Generacion Electrica) Costa Rica (2014) Costa Rica 2014
Uttar Pradesh renewable energy feed-in tariff India (2014) India 2014
Law 20,571 on Distributed Generation Chile (2014) Chile 2014
Distribution Code Switzerland (2014) Switzerland 2014
Distributed generation Italy (2014) Italy 2014
Double Counting Implementation for Biofuels in Transport Spain (2014) Spain 2014
Regulation on Monitoring of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Turkey (2014) Turkey 2014
Research and Development (R&D) Program Australia (2014) Australia 2014
Karnataka Solar Policy India (2014) India 2014
Efficient Driving Programme for New Drivers' Driving Licence Spain (2014) Spain 2014
Green Development Policy (GDP) Mongolia (2014) Mongolia 2014
Indicative National Energy Efficiency Target United Kingdom (2014) United Kingdom 2014
Government Decision on the reorganization of the National Commission on Climate Change (NCCC) 1026/ 2014 Romania (2014) Romania 2014
Framework Law 99-12 on the National Charter for the Environment and Sustainable Development Morocco (2014) Morocco 2014
Energy Efficiency Standards on Power Sector and Appliances Tajikistan (2014) Tajikistan 2014