Policies (6273)
Last update: 04/04/2024
Policy name Sector Policy type Country Decision date
Green Electricity Act Austria (2011) Austria 2011
Amendment to the Law of Superior Education (Decree No.715) El Salvador (2011) El Salvador 2011
Green Growth and Climate Resilience National Strategy on Climate Change and Low Carbon Development Rwanda (2011) Rwanda 2011
Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Project and Resettlement Policy Framework Grenada (2011) Grenada 2011
Amendment to General Education Law (Legislative Decree No.714) El Salvador (2011) El Salvador 2011
Holistic Scientific Plan Iran (2011) Iran 2011
Alternative and Renewable Energy Policy Pakistan (2011) Pakistan 2011
Innovation for Lasting Prosperity: Medium Term Policy Framework (MTPF) 2011-2014 Trinidad and Tobago (2011) Trinidad and Tobago 2011
Act on State guarantees and export guarantees granted to industry for investments promoting environmental protection (609/1973) Finland (2011) Finland 2011
Act on Electricity certificates: Act No. 2011:1200 and Regulation on Electricity certificates – Regulation No. 2011:1480 Sweden (2011) Sweden 2011
Interim Action Plan / Vision 2050 Papua New Guinea (2011) Papua New Guinea 2011
Act No.86 of 2011 on Electricity (Electricity Act) Hungary (2011) Hungary 2011
Act No.118 of 2010 concerning the promotion of the use of renewable energy for transport and the greenhouse effect reduction of energy used for transport purposes (Biofuels Act) Hungary (2011) Hungary 2011
LAW N° 2011/022 Of Governing the Electricity Sector Cameroon (2011) Cameroon 2011
Renewable Energy Feed-in Tariff Uganda (2011) Uganda 2011
Decision No. 37/2011/QD-TTg: Providing the Mechanism to Support the Development of Wind Power Projects in Vietnam Viet Nam (2011) Viet Nam 2011
Renewable Energy Act Ghana (2011) Ghana 2011
Renewable Energy Act establishing feed-in tariff (FIT) system Malaysia (2011) Malaysia 2011
Renewable Energy and Energy efficiency Development Plan 2011-2030 Algeria (2011) Algeria 2011
Royal Decree 1597/2011 Regulating the Sustainability Criteria for Biofuels and Bioliquids, the National Verification of Sustainability and the Double Value of Some Biofuels for Purposes of Computation Spain (2011) Spain 2011