Policies (6273)
Last update: 04/04/2024
Policy name Sector Policy type Country Decision date
National Climate Change Strategy Viet Nam (2011) Viet Nam 2011
Renewable Energy Act Malaysia (2011) Malaysia 2011
Decision No. 543/QD-BNN-KHCN: Action Plan on Climate Change Response of Agriculture and Rural Development Sector in the Period 2011-2015 and vision to 2050 Viet Nam (2011) Viet Nam 2011
Decision No. 37/2011/QD-TTg: Providing the Mechanism to Support the Development of Wind Power Projects in Vietnam Viet Nam (2011) Viet Nam 2011
Renewable Energy Act Ghana (2011) Ghana 2011
Renewable Energy Act establishing feed-in tariff (FIT) system Malaysia (2011) Malaysia 2011
Renewable Energy Feed-in Tariff Uganda (2011) Uganda 2011
Renewable Energy Target Azerbaijan (2011) Azerbaijan 2011
Renewable Energy and Energy efficiency Development Plan 2011-2030 Algeria (2011) Algeria 2011
Royal Decree 1597/2011 Regulating the Sustainability Criteria for Biofuels and Bioliquids, the National Verification of Sustainability and the Double Value of Some Biofuels for Purposes of Computation Spain (2011) Spain 2011
Alternative Energy Development Plan (2012-2021) Thailand (2011) Thailand 2011
The Decree on Connection and Access of Renewable Electricity to the National Grid Tunisia (2011) Tunisia 2011
The Act on Environmental Requirements in the Procurement of Vehicles and Certain Public Passenger Transport Services Sweden (2011) Sweden 2011
Sustainable Energy Development Authority Act Malaysia (2011) Malaysia 2011
Sustainability Achieved Via Energy efficiency rebate programme (SAVE) Malaysia (2011) Malaysia 2011
Super-Green Car Premium Ordinance (2011:1590) Sweden (2011) Sweden 2011
Strategy for New and Renewable Development 2011-2025 Mozambique (2011) Mozambique 2011
National Development Plan 2011- 2013 South Sudan (2011) South Sudan 2011
Royal Decree 647/2011 on the Regulation of Load Management Activity Within the Electricity System Involving Energy Charging Services Spain (2011) Spain 2011
Energy efficiency Development Plan (2011-2030) Thailand (2011) Thailand 2011