Policies (6273)
Last update: 04/04/2024
Policy name Sector Policy type Country Decision date
Vehicle Conversion to Alternative Fuels Sweden (2008) Sweden 2008
Zero Interest Green Loan Belgium (2008) Belgium 2008
Sustainable Hydropower Development Policy Bhutan (2008) Bhutan 2008
Tenth Five Year Plan 2008-2013 Bhutan (2008) Bhutan 2008
Feed-in-Tariffs Policy on Renewable Energy Resource Generated Electricity (Small-Hydro, Biomass and Biogas) Kenya (2008) Kenya 2008
Emissions Trading Scheme New Zealand (2008) New Zealand 2008
ISIR 4853-2,1st Edition/ISIRI Iran (2008) Iran 2008
18Seconds.org United States of America (2007) United States of America 2007
National Energy Efficiency Action Plan United Kingdom (2007) United Kingdom 2007
Act No. 5627 on Energy efficiency Turkey (2007) Turkey 2007
Act No. 5686 on Geothermal Resources And Mineral Waters Turkey (2007) Turkey 2007
Act on CO2 advice line United Kingdom (2007) United Kingdom 2007
Agricultural Chemicals Regulation Law Japan (2007) Japan 2007
Agricultural Demand Side Management (AgDSM) Programme India (2007) India 2007
Alberta Energy Efficiency Carbon Offset Protocol Canada (2007) Canada 2007
Alberta Specified Gas Emitters Regulation Canada (2007) Canada 2007
Aluminium Industry Permitting Standards China (2007) China 2007
Amazonas State Policy on Climate Change (law 3.135/07) Brazil (2007) Brazil 2007
An Energy Policy for Europe European Union (27) (2007) European Union 2007
Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate Canada (2007) Canada 2007