Policies (6273)
Last update: 04/04/2024
Policy name Sector Policy type Country Decision date
New Feed-In premium for photovoltaic systems Italy (2007) Italy 2007
Spatial planning legislation in Act 26 Indonesia (2007) Indonesia 2007
Notice on Further Enhancing the Work to Phase out Backward production capacity China (2007) China 2007
Package of Measures to Address Climate Change Republic of Korea (2007) Republic of Korea 2007
Phase Out of Inefficient Lightbulbs Australia (2007) Australia 2007
Plan for Logistics and Transportation - PNLT Brazil (2007) Brazil 2007
Pre-Payment Electricity Metering India (2007) India 2007
Presidential Decree on deforestation Brazil (2007) Brazil 2007
Promotion of Efficient Freight of Railway Transport Japan (2007) Japan 2007
Promotion of Traffic Demand Management (TDM) Japan (2007) Japan 2007
Queensland Smart Energy Policy Australia (2007) Australia 2007
NextGen Biofuels Fund Canada (2007) Canada 2007
Regulation on type approval of motor vehicles with respect to emissions from light passenger and commercial vehicles (Euro 5 and Euro 6) and on access to vehicle repair and maintenance information European Union (27) (2007) European Union 2007
Regulation on Energy Performance in Buildings Turkey (2007) Turkey 2007
Regulations of Emergency Response to Major Animal Epidemics China (2007) China 2007
Regulations used on Funds used for forest fire prevention projects China (2007) China 2007
Renewable Energy Feed-In Tariff: Hydropower (IV) France (2007) France 2007
Renewable Energy Road Map - Renewable energies in the 21st century: building a more sustainable future European Union (27) (2007) European Union 2007
Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) United States of America (2007) United States of America 2007
Renewable and Energy efficiency Portfolio Standard -- Illinois United States of America (2007) United States of America 2007