Study on Alternative Scenarios for the Reduction of Energy-Related Greenhouse Gas Emissions Turkey (2000) |
Turkey |
2000 |
Study on Ethanol Australia (2000) |
Australia |
2000 |
Subsidies of Local Projects for Accelerating the Introduction of New and Renewable Energy Japan (2000) |
Japan |
2000 |
Subsidy of Companies for the Diffusion of Renewable Energy Japan (2000) |
Japan |
2000 |
Survey and Pre-feasibility Assistance: Disposition Général des Aides à la Décision France (2000) |
France |
2000 |
Sustainable Mobility Italy (2000) |
Italy |
2000 |
Tariffs in Favour of Renewable Energy France (2000) |
France |
2000 |
Tax Credit for Renewable Energy in New Buildings France (2000) |
France |
2000 |
Taxing Aviation Fuel Proposal European Union (27) (2000) |
European Union |
2000 |
The Canadian Environmental Protection Act 1999 (CEPA 1999) (S.C. 1999, c. 33) Canada (2000) |
Canada |
2000 |
The National System of Protected Areas - SNUC Brazil (2000) |
Brazil |
2000 |
Thermal Insulation in Buildings Regulation Turkey (2000) |
Turkey |
2000 |
Towards a European Strategy for the Security of Energy Supply European Union (27) (2000) |
European Union |
2000 |
UK Climate Change Programme United Kingdom (2000) |
United Kingdom |
2000 |
Vehicle Emissions Standards China (2000) |
China |
2000 |
Regulation on oil and natural gas losses Brazil (2000) |
Brazil |
2000 |
Victoria - Creation of a Sustainable Energy Authority Australia (2000) |
Australia |
2000 |
Voluntary Programmes of Appliance Labelling Germany (2000) |
Germany |
2000 |
Warm Front Scheme United Kingdom (2000) |
United Kingdom |
2000 |
“A new way to drive” campaign Germany (2000) |
Germany |
2000 |