Five Year Strategic Plan for the Environment and Natural Resources Sector (2014-2018) Rwanda (2013) |
Rwanda |
2013 |
Framework law to regulate reduction of vulnerability, mandatory adaptation to the effects of climate change, and the mitigation of greenhouse gas effects (Decree of the Congress 7-2013) Guatemala (2013) |
Guatemala |
2013 |
Government Decision to adopt the National Climate Change Strategy (2013-2020), 529/2013 Romania (2013) |
Romania |
2013 |
Government Urgency Ordinance regarding the tax on polluting emissions from motor vehicles , 9/2013 Romania (2013) |
Romania |
2013 |
Law of the Plan for the Homeland: the second socialist plan of social and economic development of the Nation 2013-2019 Venezuela (2013) |
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of |
2013 |
Law on Climate Change (Decree no. 297-2013) Honduras (2013) |
Honduras |
2013 |
Law on industrial emissions 278/2013 Romania (2013) |
Romania |
2013 |
Law on the Reduction of CO2 Emissions Liechtenstein (2013) |
Liechtenstein |
2013 |
Ministerial Accord No. 089 on Regulation for NAMAs Ecuador (2013) |
Ecuador |
2013 |
Ministerial Decree No. 37296-MINAE creating the Voluntary Carbon Market Costa Rica (2013) |
Costa Rica |
2013 |
Misión Transporte Venezuela (2013) |
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of |
2013 |
National Climate Agenda: Resilient, Prosperous and Green Netherlands (2013) |
Netherlands |
2013 |
National Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Strategy Mozambique (2013) |
Mozambique |
2013 |
National Climate Change Policy (NCCP) Ghana (2013) |
Ghana |
2013 |
National Climate Change Policy Burundi (2013) |
Burundi |
2013 |
National Environment Policy Kenya (2013) |
Kenya |
2013 |
National Framework for Climate Change and Climate Change Adaptation Kiribati (2013) |
Kiribati |
2013 |
National Plan for Good Living (2013-2017) Ecuador (2013) |
Ecuador |
2013 |
National Programme on climate change mitigation measures for 2013-2020 (Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 510) Belarus (2013) |
Belarus |
2013 |
National Strategy and Action Plan on Climate Change Burundi (2013) |
Burundi |
2013 |