Policies (6273)
Last update: 04/04/2024
Policy name Sector Policy type Country Decision date
Regional Measures for Climate Change Mitigation: Victoria - Voluntary Industial Emissions Disclosure Australia (2006) Australia 2006
The New Basic Environmental Plan Japan (2006) Japan 2006
The Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act India (2006) India 2006
Thematic Strategy on the Urban Environment European Union (27) (2006) European Union 2006
You Control Climate Change awareness campaign European Union (27) (2006) European Union 2006
Road User Charge Australia (2006) Australia 2006
Bruxell'AIR Premium Belgium (2006) Belgium 2006
Clean Ambient Air Act Bulgaria (2006) Bulgaria 2006
Climate Change Strategic Plan Marshall Islands (2006) Marshall Islands 2006
Comprehensive Economic Development Plan for Tobago: Clean, Green, Safe and Serene Trinidad and Tobago (2006) Trinidad and Tobago 2006
Council of Ministers Resolutions 104/2006 and 1/2008, establishes and amends the National Climate Change Programme (PNAC) Portugal (2006) Portugal 2006
Decree-Law 71/2006 on the Portuguese Carbon Fund Portugal (2006) Portugal 2006
Environmental Management Act (EMA), Act No.13 of 2002 (Chapter 20:27), revisions under Act No.5 of 2004 (s.23) and Act No. 6 of 2005 (s.28) Zimbabwe (2006) Zimbabwe 2006
Ministers’ Resolution No.1155 of Sep - 2006. "Strategy of Reducing Emissions and Enhancing Removals by Sinks of Greenhouse Gases for 2007-2012 Belarus (2006) Belarus 2006
National Climate Change Action Plan 2008-2012 Chile (2006) Chile 2006
National Environmental Policy Trinidad and Tobago (2006) Trinidad and Tobago 2006
National Forestry Act 1984 Malaysia (2006) Malaysia 2006
National Programme on Energy Saving Belarus (2006) Belarus 2006
National energy policy Fiji (2006) Fiji 2006
Organic Law of Environment No 5833 Venezuela (2006) Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 2006