Policies (6273)
Last update: 04/04/2024
Policy name Sector Policy type Country Decision date
ReFuelEU Aviation European Union European Union
FuelEU Maritime Regulation European Union European Union
Forest Act Thailand (1941) Thailand 1941
Forest Law No. 6831 Turkey (1956) Turkey 1956
National Reserved Forest Act Thailand (1964) Thailand 1964
Forest and Forestry Basic Act (Law No. 161/64) Japan (1964) Japan 1964
Agricultural Credit Act South Africa (1966) South Africa 1966
Public Electricity Service Law (Ley del Servicio Público de Energía Eléctrica) Mexico (1975) Mexico 1975
New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) for Coal Plants United States of America (1977) United States of America 1977
Energy Conservation Regulation for Industry of Energy Conservation Act Japan (1979) Japan 1979
Energy Use Rationalization Act Republic of Korea (1980) Republic of Korea 1980
Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) China (1989) China 1989
National System for Preventing and Combating Forest Fires - PREVFOGO Brazil (1989) Brazil 1989
Directive concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources European Union (27) (1991) European Union 1991
EU Energy efficiency Standards European Union (27) (1992) European Union 1992
Ownership of Coalbed Methane United States of America (1992) United States of America 1992
Energy Conservation Promotion Act B.E. 2535 and B.E. 2550 Thailand (1992) Thailand 1992
Environmental Impact Assessment Act Nigeria (1992) Nigeria 1992
Agrarian Law Mexico (1992) Mexico 1992
Regulations on the Efficient Use of Energy (Law No. 7447) Costa Rica (1994) Costa Rica 1994