Solar PV Auction Israel (2017) |
Israel |
2017 |
Solar Auctions Ethiopia (2017) |
Ethiopia |
2017 |
Onshore wind energy auction India (2017) |
India |
2017 |
Ordinance (2017: 1319) on state support for measures that contribute to industry's climate change Sweden (2017) |
Sweden |
2017 |
Electricity Market Law (Law no 4493) Ukraine (2017) |
Ukraine |
2017 |
Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) Act (Act no 10963) Philippines (2017) |
Philippines |
2017 |
National Electromobility Strategy Chile (2017) |
Chile |
2017 |
Programme to Promote Investment in Highly Efficient Horizontal Technologies Germany (2017) |
Germany |
2017 |
Resolution 84-E/17 on Efficient Public Lighting Plan Argentina (2017) |
Argentina |
2017 |
Local incentives - Parking charges Spain (2017) |
Spain |
2017 |
Resolution 281-E/17 on Long-term renewable energy market (MATER) Argentina (2017) |
Argentina |
2017 |
Regulation of the State Secretary of Economic Affairs of 1 June 2017, no. WJZ/17032244 Netherlands (2017) |
Netherlands |
2017 |
Mitigation Plan for the Energy Sector Chile (2017) |
Chile |
2017 |
Resolution 74/2016 and 46/2017 on the Gas Plan Framework Argentina (2016) |
Argentina |
2016 |
Feed-in Tariff for renewable energy Nigeria (2016) |
Nigeria |
2016 |
Resolution 1075/2016 Smart Transport Program Argentina (2016) |
Argentina |
2016 |
Solar Feed-In Tariff Indonesia (2016) |
Indonesia |
2016 |
Indicative Action Plan (2017-2022) of the Rational and Efficient Energy Use Programme (PROURE) Colombia (2016) |
Colombia |
2016 |
Renewable energy auction Iraq (2016) |
Iraq |
2016 |
RES Decree 2020 Italy (2016) |
Italy |
2016 |