Relaunch Plan ("France Relance") France (2020) |
France |
2020 |
A Healthy Environment and a Healthy Economy Canada (2020) |
Canada |
2020 |
National Energy and Climate Plan France (2020) |
France |
2020 |
Decree no. 10.387 to provide incentives for financing infrastructure projects with environmental and social benefits Brazil (2020) |
Brazil |
2020 |
Decree No. 2020-456 - Multi-year energy programming France (2020) |
France |
2020 |
Nationally Determined Contribution - NDC Brazil (2020) |
Brazil |
2020 |
Changes in the biodiesel blending mandate Brazil (2020) |
Brazil |
2020 |
National Low-Carbon Strategy (Stratégie Nationale Bas-Carbone) France (2020) |
France |
2020 |
Automobile support plan France (2020) |
France |
2020 |
Aeronautic support plan France (2020) |
France |
2020 |
Removal of import taxes for EVs Russian Federation (2020) |
Russian Federation |
2020 |
Phase-out old and Inefficient Coal-Fired Power Plants Japan (2020) |
Japan |
2020 |
Scrapped purchase tax on NEVS China (2020) |
China |
2020 |
Circular no 2023 risk and early warning for coal power planning and construction China (2020) |
China |
2020 |
Fuel Tax Uzbekistan (2020) |
Uzbekistan |
2020 |
2050 Long-term Development Strategy Russian Federation (2020) |
Russian Federation |
2020 |
Climate Change Policy Bhutan (2020) |
Bhutan |
2020 |
Special EV loan scheme for taxis Bhutan (2020) |
Bhutan |
2020 |
Greening Government Strategy Canada (2020) |
Canada |
2020 |
Low Emissions Technology Statement Australia (2020) |
Australia |
2020 |